Has ASUS learned anything from past ZenFone failures?

Excited? We are! The new ZenFone 6 unveil is about to happen! Plenty of leaks out there and most of the details are known. As followers of the ZenFone series for years, we have one big question when it comes to the ZenFone 6. Has ASUS learned from past mistakes? We have been scratching our head over one thing ASUS seems to do on a consistent basis and it’s costing them sales.

The biggie for us is release date. Meaning, how long after the launch event will there be pre-orders available and when does the ZenFone 6 get into the hands of the people?

Each year a new ZenFone is launched, it’s a slow and monotonous road to the actual date you can buy or pre order. ASUS just can’t seem to hold off unveiling products far, far in advance of them being available to buy and this isn’t just a problem with the ZenFone product line. However for the phone market it plays a more important and significant role.

Unveils that don’t match the date of availability wastes all the hype that was generated for the unveil event. Especially in the ultra-competitive mobile phone business the time passes quickly, specs grow old, people forget, other products hit the market and then the ZenFone hits store shelves.

The failures of the ZenFone are well documented and even stated by the company themselves. But since they are staying in this game, they must realize that the big companies unveils with pre orders starting right away. Those companies put the phone in people’s hands within week, not months.

Obviously release dates stagger across regions and ASUS is prioritizing Taiwan and Asian markets. But the ASUS brand is strong in the US and Canada (thanks in large part to ROG) yet North America is far down on the list of priorities. If the Zenfone 6 gets unveiled in May and doesn’t get released until the fall in some regions, then we are going to be disappointed  for sure.

We say get the ZenFone 6 in the hands of the influencers out there who largely reside in North America. With the inevitable coverage of the launch, have pre orders ready to go! Change things up and maybe it works.

Yes we’re excited to see a new ZenFone from ASUS. Yes we hope they find some success. We just hope that ASUS for once can ramp up some sales immediately after the big unveil. It would show us that they see some past failings and are looking for ways to improve.