ZenFone 6 owners manual now available – Download here

Who needs a smartphone owners manual? A few of us do. In fact we often get requests from visitors for various ZenFone owners manuals. So to those people, we have some good news.

The ZenFone 6 owners manual has finally been posted on the official ASUS support page! So far you can download the English or Chinese owners manuals. There should be many more languages coming in the next few days and we will have them all listed here for your downloading convenience.

On a side note, the owners manuals being made available is a good indicator in terms of release dates for the ZenFone 6. Because we’ve followed many a ZenFone release over the years, we look to things like this to help figure out how far off release dates and availability are. When there are no owners manuals available, it says to us that wide release and availability is a ways off. So we’ve now passed that early stage thankfully. So if you’re waiting for your ZenFone 6 pre order to ship or hope for the opportunity to pre order, your wait is just about over.

ZenFone 6 Owners Manual Downloads:

If you’re new to smartphones there is some useful information for navigation and touch gestures. You can read some useful tips in the user manual about setting up a dual SIM like creating custom names and setting up a preferred SIM card. There is also some good information on how to personalize your ZenFone 6 home screen and using wallpapers which is part of the ZenUI.

Here is one partial screenshot of the owners manual that gives you tips on saving battery life:

You can also check the official ASUS website to see if they have any new users manuals posted. We will update our list but it’s possible ASUS updated with new ones before we’ve had a chance to update our listings here.