The ZenFone Max Pro M1 is a triple threat of sorts. It tops most competitors with cheap price, Android One pure Android OS and a massive 5,000mAh battery. No notch either which may be a big selling point for many of you out there.
ZenFone Max Pro M1 (ZB556KL) – Details, Pre Order, Where to Buy
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Zenfone 9 Models
Model name ASUS Zenfone 9 16/256 Black
Model ID AI2202-1A006EU
Model name ASUS Zenfone 9 8/256 Black
Model ID AI2202-1A004EU
Model name Zenfone 9 8/128 Black
Model ID AI2202-1A002EU
Model name ASUS Zenfone 9 8/128 Blue
Model ID AI2202-1C025EU
Model name ASUS Zenfone 9 8/128 Red
Model ID AI2202-1D024EU
Model name ASUS Zenfone 9 8/128 White
Model ID AI2202-1B003EU
Zenfone 8 Models
> ZS590KS Zenfone 8 (official)
> ZS672KS Zenfone 8 Flip (official)
ZenFone 7 Models
> ZS670KS ZenFone 7 (official)
> ZS671KS ZenFone 7 Pro (official)
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ROG Phone 3 Available To Buy!
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Zenfone 5 Models:
> Zenfone 5z (ZS620KL)
> Zenfone 5 (ZE620KL)
> Zenfone Max Pro M1 (ZB601KL)
> ZenFone Max Pro M1 (ZB602KL)
> ZenFone Max M1 (ZB555KL)
> ZenFone Max M1 (ZB556KL)
> Zenfone 5 Lite (ZC600KL)
> Zenfone 5Q (ZC600KL)
> Zenfone 5 Lite (ZC600KL)
Zenfone 4 Models:
> Zenfone 4 Pro (ZS551KL) (Z01GD)
> Zenfone 4 Selfie (ZD553KL)
> Zenfone Ares (ZS572KL)
> Zenfone 4 Selfie Pro (ZD552KL) (Z01M)
> Zenfone 4 Selfie Lite (ZB553KL)
> Zenfone 4 Max (ZC554KL) (X00ID)
> Zenfone 4 Max (ZC520KL)
> Zenfone 4 (ZE554KL) (Z01KD) not official
> Zenfone 4V (V520KL) (A006) not official
> Zenfone 4s
> Zenfone 4 Live Pro (ZD552KL)
> Zenfone 4 Live (ZB553KL)
Zenfone 3 Models:
> Zenfone 3 5.5-inch (ZE552KL)
> Zenfone 3 5.2-inch (ZE520KL)
> Zenfone 3 Deluxe 5.7-inch (ZS570KL)
> Zenfone 3 Deluxe 5.5-inch (ZS550KL)
> Zenfone 3 Ultra (ZU680KL)
> Zenfone 3 Laser (ZC551KL)
> Zenfone 3 Max 5.2-inch (ZC520TL)
> Zenfone 3 Max 5.5-inch (ZC553KL)
> Zenfone 3S Max (ZC521TL)
> Zenfone Live (ZB501KL)
> Zenfone 3 Zoom (ZE553KL)
> Zenfone AR (ZS571KL)
> Zenfone AR (V570KL)