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Welcome the Zenfone Live (ZB501KL) – It’s not Go

Well Asus has thrown a curve ball here. It’s not a new Zenfone Go phone, rather it’s a Zenfone Live phone. This is the first from this new “Live” series which is focused on live streaming excellence. It’s going to be price friendly like the Zenfone Go series, but Asus decided to go with a […]

New Zenfone 3 Go (ZB501KL) excels at live streaming

Asus has just made some news with details about the new Zenfone 3 Go (ZB501KL) smartphone. The Go series is entry level price and at this point the price and launch countries are unknown. What we can tell you is that Asus is touting the Zenfone 3 Go live streaming capability. Think of this as […]