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Software update for Zenfone 3 Max (ZC520TL) adds better battery life

Rarely does a software update garner such attention. However the most recent Zenfone 3 Max software update has made headlines. Asus has created a new app called “ASUS Power Master” which they say will “excel battery performance”. With the MediTek processor inside, this app may bring some help to the battery life. The ZC520TL has […]

How to fix “Do not disturb” on Zenfone 3 after Android 7.0 Nougat update

If you’re like me, the “Do not disturb” setting was/is ideal. I use it every day at work. However once my Zenfone 3 Deluxe (ZS570KL) updated to Android 7.0 Nougat in the past week, something happened. I don’t classify this as a bug. The DND (do not disturb) functionality is there, but something turned invisible. […]

Asus officially starts Android 7.0 Nougat update rollout for Zenfone 3 series

It’s official. Asus is now rolling out the Android 7.0 Nougat update and details are listed on the Zen Talk forum. Here is what we know so far: Android 7.0 Nougat Available For: Zenfone 3 Deluxe (ZS550KL) Update Software Version: V22.40.26.43 (ZS550KL) Release Notes: (It takes about one week for the system to complete the […]

Recent Software Update Listings – All Zenfone 3 Models listed

To help keep on top of Zenfone 3 news, we also want to track software/firmware updates that roll out to the various Zenfone models. This is actually quite a frequent occurrence and people should realize that Asus does tweak and improve the functionality and performance of the phones on a regular basis. So this post […]