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Software update improves camera performance for ZenFone Max Pro

ASUS is showing to be quite reliable when it comes to dealing with software related issues or ZenFone issues. You may find some complaints about finger print reader slowness which has since been resolved via a software update. Additionally, that previous update did list camera performance improvements as well. So today we see yet another […]

New software update fixes finger print sensor speed on ZenFone Max Pro

Asus has pushed out a software update ZB601KL_ZB602KL_WW_Phone-14.2016.1804.252 which addresses a complain that many early reviews with the slow response of the finger print sensor. Certainly this was a legitimate concern but can this new software patch change the public perception of this issue? A challenge for mobile phone manufacturers is having early release units […]

Q&A – ZenFone Max Pro (M1) answers to popular questions FAQ

With the buzz surrounding the Asus ZenFone Max Pro M1 it only makes sense to help you with questions you may have. Asus has stated that this phone is mainly targeted for India and SE Asian markets. At this point we don’t know the European and North/South America plans for releasing the ZenFone Max Pro […]