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Enthusiastic Pokémon Go player earns ASUS sponsorship for ZenFone Max Pro (M2)

This story isn’t considered breaking news at this point, but it’s quite extraordinary and we wanted to share this. A 70-year old Pokémon Go player out of Taipei, Taiwan is so enthusiastic about the game, he’s come up with a contraption that allows him to use multiple mobile phones at the same time from his […]

Taiwan finally gets a ZenFone 6 release (updated)

Update: As expected, now that the ZenFone 6 is available to buy in Taiwan, now you can order one. Few in stock so be quick and check the network compatibility! Next up on the ASUS smartphone take-over strategy? Taiwan. In a real “flipping of the script”, ASUS did not launch their new ZenFone in Taiwan […]

It’s official – Zenfone 4 launching August 17 in Taiwan

Here we go! August 17th is the official launch date in Taiwan. This will be the first look for the globe at the Zenfone 4 series. Everyone else of course will need to wait their turn for their own country’s launch event, however early birds can get a Zenfone 4 off eBay very soon.

Second Taiwan Zenfone 4 teaser image unveiled. Can you guess who it is?

We get it now! It’s a guessing game contest. The person in the teaser images is going to be the Asus Zenfone 4 spokesperson for the APAC market. We don’t want to spoil a surprise, but remember this article from So certainly the past couple of days are showing a lot of Zenfone 4 […]

New Asus Zenfone 4 teaser image out of Taiwan

Taiwan is getting first dibs on the Zenfone 4 series which is standard practice for Asus. Taiwan will get first and most availability. This means come August or the date the phones hit stores in Taiwan, you can buy one via eBay. Network compatibility is a consideration of course, but you don’t necessarily have to […]